Community Marker for Children

Title: Community Marker for Children

This sculpture on a pedestal is a concept design for a community marker in lieu of children who have left his world.
This very difficult subject needs attention in our culture and society so that we can come together as a community to recognize early and ongoing signs of children who feel alienated by their peers or community.

About the design ... the dove is a symbol of peace and transition; the two small angels represent all the boys and girls who have left this world for the next. Combined in this fashion, these elements create an aesthetic pleasing composition.

The plaque contains a statement acknowledging that children have left too soon and they will be missed. When a viewer passes by this community marker (who has no knowledge of what it is about), they will be able to figure out the true meaning if they take the time to think about the words.

For information on this sculpture design , please contact me at:

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