I P P y
Image Processing Pipeline, Desktop Software Application
mac - win - unix - linux

Project Goal & User Story:
Enables the user to perform advanced Digital Signal Processing functions on an image by selecting from a variety of industrial grade default and customizable filters.
In version 1.0 release, that pipeline can be used to single or batch process subsequent images and also carry out Feature Extraction and Pattern Recognition, using
Machine Learning algorithms.
Conversion of image to a 3D pixel Elevation Map for alternate view!
Download Beta Version (Free)
Download Link: IPPy_Beta_20170909.jar
Size: 6.2 MB
- Place the IPPy_Beta_20170909.jar file on your Operating System Desktop or in a folder in the file system.
- Double click on the IPPy_Beta_20170909.jar file to run the IIPy application.
- On Mac OS X: Right Mouse Click -> Open With -> Jar Launcher ...(if security warning comes up, just click ok or accept)
Written entirely in Java 8, JavaFX 2.2, runnable with a
JVM installed on user's OS.
- Reads the following image files: bmp, gif, jpg, png: Beta
- Drag and Drop images onto the IPPy workspace to begin automatic loading of image file: Beta
- Choose from Dozens of Image Processing Filters to create infinite effects: Beta
- Infinite Filter Pipelining, only limited by your device memory: Beta
- Pipeline Viewer shows history of selected Filters: Beta
- 3D Viewer for Pixel Elevation Map: Beta
- Facial Detection and Facial Keypoint Detection: Ver 1
- Shape recognition for microscopic parasitic organisms: Ver 2
- Iris Detection and Mapping: Ver 2
Facial Feature Detection

The Body on Somerton Beach
Filter Pipeline: SRC -> FFD
Mortuary photo of the unknown man found dead on Somerton Beach, south of Adelaide, Australia,
in December 1948. Sixty-three years later, the man's identity remains a mystery
Original Image Credit: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/the-body-on-somerton-beach-50795611/
Scientific - Astronomy

NGC 7009 (Saturn Nebula) Planetary Nebula; Hubble Space Telescope
Filter Pipeline: SRC -> NEG
Original Image Credit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturn_Nebula#/media/File:NGC_7009_Hubble.jpg
Permission: PD-HUBBLE
Manufacturing - Computer Vision

Simplification of complicated images while retaining important information.
Edge detection filter used for automated analysis of inventory or other tasks.
Machine Learning algorithms can now be applied with higher accuracy.
Filter Pipeline: SRC -> GRY -> CED -> NEG
Canny Edge Detector, sigma=1.4, size=6, lowThreshold=10, highThreshold=20
Geology - Volcanoes

Volcanic Ash Plume arising from Mount Cleveland on May 23, 2006
Seen from the International Space Station.
Filter Pipeline: SRC -> GRY -> SMO-> SMG -> HEM -> NEG
Credit for original Image Used:
Original Image Credit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Cleveland_(Alaska)#/media/File:MtCleveland_ISS013-E-24184.jpg
"NASA material is not protected by copyright unless noted".
Contact person for this project can be reached at: email: lance@lancedooley.com